Friday, May 19, 2006

Peace that Passes Understanding (Update # 5)

Ruth called this morning (May 19) to report that her pre-op testing and paperwork took all day yesterday, from 11:30 until 4:00, but all the clinicians have been friendly and easy to get along with. Ruth said, "I had no anxiety before or during the appointments, and this is supposed to be scary. Lord, this is you, in action, full time." Her friend Fausta was with her and said, "Ruth, there is such a peacefulness and calm in every exam room we were in -- it's just that peace that is in you, it comes into each room."

Another friend asks every day if the peace is still there. Last night she said, "I know it is real because I am seeing the peace. Your whole body is reflecting that inner peace. It shows on the outside. You are looking great. Ruth said, "I really felt carried by people's prayers yesterday -- things are effortless. It feels like being showered with miracles, just showered." For those of us, like me, who can't be there with Ruth and would love to help out tangibly, be certain that she is being well taken care of by friends and family in Boston, and most of all by her heavenly Father.

Ruth's hospital stay will be only one or two nights, so it would be better to plan visits for after she gets home. However, she would like a few visitors -- just telephone ahead first. Her mom and sister, and about three friends, will be with her at the hospital Monday through the surgery. The possibility of having a nurse as a roommate hasn't worked out, but many other people have offered to help with the injections. Ruth says one of her Colombian friends is on plastic surgery rotation next week, and she thinks he will be assisting during her operation. This is the doctor who helped her feel comfortable about the plastic surgery options, and to be confident in the advantages of having implants instead of using muscle flaps for the plastic surgery.


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