Tuesday, October 03, 2006

My Dad Graduates to Heaven

Dear Friends,

I have been delayed in keeping you updated. My wig looks great. Pic coming. People don't know it is a wig.

Third Chemo went even better then first time. I feel really strong. Don't look like I am in chemo and also have been resuming many of my activities including driving a golf ball75 yards.

I have my Fourth Chemo this Friday the 11th at 8:30am.

I got a call around 2pm today that my father had taken a turn for the worst. He talked about funeral arrangements last night and his wishes. He ate breakfast and lunch and then shortly after started turning blue. I got to talk to him and he responded with a groan at least. The social worker helped to reach my brother through the Red Cross and my brother called minutes before my Dad passed at 4pm. That is so like my father to be precise. 4pm on the dot. Between 2 and 4 I decided to go to Albany my Aunt was able and willing to drive me. She is on her way here and does not yet know that he has graduated to his heavenly home and is with his heavenly Father. He is in a much better place. He died peacefully, in no pain and with everyone singing around him. He now has the heavenly angels around him singing and has a new body that he can stand upright and talk and walk and run again. My sister Debbie stopped by the house unexpectedly early afternoon with the three children so they were all there. God definitely prompted her to be there. Sharon and family are on their way as we speak and I will be soon. Steve left for Iraq on Sunday so he is not in the country.

Got to run but appreciate your prayers as we make arrangements the coming days. I will come back tomorrow and the funeral will be some time after next Tuesday.

Will write more later.




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