Saturday, March 31, 2007

More News But God is My Manager

Dear All,

Wow, when it rains it pours but not only the challenges but also the blessings.

I feel like this past year has been challenge after challenge. First shingles, then cancer diagnosis, operation, chemo, my Dad passing away, job challenges, other challenges (several unspoken), the passing of my "second Dad", several other deaths, friends moving away, and losing my job (have know for a long time but could not share publically until now), career crisis.

Now the blessings are flooding me and God is managing the order of solving the challenges. I can't work on them all at once and I didn't know where to begin but God knew the order and started moving things forward at just the right time. Last week I found out the operation is going to be March 16th and not in May or later. This piece is important to get out of the way and important information for the other plans. Last Friday my boss finally made his decision to leave (I have known for months that he was most likely leaving). He will leave Boston the end of June. The next couple months I will be able to focus on tying up loose ends in my current job and be working on finding a new position (the lab is moving so there is no longer a position for me) starting earlier or later then July depending on what God's plans are. I have a few leads and one that sounds very interesting combining many of my skills and interests. I am open to anything and am seeing this as an opportunity instead of an obstacle but it takes a lot of faith. Not sure what I want to do or more correctly what God wants me to do. I am in God's waiting room.

Please pray for me in my search for a new position and also feel free to pass on any leads that you might have. I am currently a research project manager for a prostate cancer pathologist. This job has been a blessing as I am working a 30 hour a week position with flexible hours. This has been great for being able to do Verami responsibilities.

Waiting in Expectation for God's gift of a job He has selected for me.

Since I wrote this e-mail I had a three hour interview two on the 14th, 2 days before my operation, and was asked back for a second interview the next day. All went well. A few other possibilities with a possible interview next week at BWH.

Thanks for your prayers,



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