Sunday, January 21, 2007

Feeling Better-Day by Day

Dear Friends,

I am thankful for a relaxing, quite weekend. It helps to clear my mind.

Thanks so much for your support, prayers and e-mail this week in response to my SOS for prayer. I am thankful for those I found out who were led to pray for me that day specifically and didn't even know the extreme need I had. I felt a breakthrough on Tuesday afternoon. Started seeing many things moving forward. I am bit by bit taking care of things that have been on hold and God is the one directing for those things to finally happen. Finally being able to foxus on some things other then my getting better. However, I look at it as God's timing. As some of these things get out of the way I start feeling much less overwhelmed. Sometimes they are really little things but they have been on my mind for a long time. I see God taking care of me and reminding me that He is the manager of my life as He promised. I just need to go when he says go.

One of the exciting things that happened on Tuesday was taking the step of getting into an excercise class.
I was working remotely from home since I was not feeling that great (probably was fighting something and my body fights it the way it fought the chemo treatments instead of the way others bodies are fighting it-so many people were really sick at work and thankfully I did not really get it) and I saw in my Partners e-mail the Dana Farber Cancer Institute Online Announcements that I receive. I usually don't get a chance to even take a quick peek but I did this day and my eyes fell upon this class for Breast Cancer patients/survivors. So began a series of e-mails, and doctor's approvals etc. to get me registered.

I attended my first class on Thursday from 5:30 to 6:30. It is a six week course. First time taught in the NorthEast and it is a lot of fun and free (they received a grant to conduct this class). It was a small class with around 10 people. The class limit is 20 people and I feel so blessed that I saw the ad the day I did and took action.

On the next entry you will find more information about the dance, movement, exercise class method. We blew bubbles at the beginning of the class. I guess I was finally ready to be with others who are on the same journey. Helpful to hear about others experiences with the struggle of getting through the healing of the chemo brain. One woman said she is just starting being able to focus enough to read a book. I am thankful that I have been able to focus quite a bit. It is needed for my job so sometimes it is more difficult for me to focus on things outside of work and they take lots of concentration and energy.

"Focus on Healing: The Lebed Method" ( is a registered trademark and the Lebed Method is a licensed procedure.

Thanks for praying and thanks for your support

For His Glory,



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