Sunday, July 02, 2006

Results of First Chemo Treatment

Dear Friends,

Thanks for all your e-mails, cards, prayer, and support. God is truly good and taking care of my every need.

My chemo went pretty well. The actual process was only about two hours and went very quickly. There wasn't even time to really chat or do anything because it went so quickly and lots of interruptions for the next step of the process. I was in a private cubicle and everything is done through IV. I did pretty well until late afternoon when I developed a slight headache and my stomach didn't feel all that great (but not that bad). I also became agitated and my muscles could not relax. Took an adavan which is to ease mild nausea and anxiety. Called the hotline and they said to take fresh ginger in warm water, play soft music. My friend Rosana who was staying with me did all of this including massaging my head and neck and I fell asleep in the middle of the wonderful treatment and slept well.

Felt better in the morning and had more of an appetite. Juan Miquel, a clinical fellow from my lab, came by in the afternoon to give me my injection to boost my white blood cells. Enjoyed a nice meal downstairs in celebration of Jim's birthday and ate quite a bit, including ice-cream cake. Got pampered yesterday with a foot massage. No adavan last night but soft music and massage and I fell asleep fine.

I have been quite tired, but I did make to church in the morning. I think everyone is a bit sluggish today due to the weather being uncomfortable (hot and humid). Thankfully there is a breeze. Feeling tired, hot and bored (unusual for me. I like to be active and feeling I am accomplishing something).

Hard to know what to expect over the coming days and weeks and do not know what my needs will be. Living day by day.

Tomorrow I most likely will get my hair cut. A Brazilian friend of Rosanna's will come over to cut my hair at the house. I will donate my hair since it is so long to "Locks of Love". I have been putting off this event hoping that I would not loose my hair but I rather have the chance to donate my hair and my oncologist firmly said, "You WILL lose your hair".

I talked to my brother in law today and was surprised when he told me my dad was talking and only has the oxygen mask on. The last couple of days were wrestling with the tough questions of feeding tube and tracheo and saying that he would not be able to go off the respirator, or swallow or talk again. My God is a God of miracles. Don't know why He has chosen to shower me me so many miracles in one year but I am thankful.

Will keep you posted.




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