Ways You Can Help Ruth
Dear All,
Want to thank Sheri Michel for setting up the blog for me and for maintaining it through the first phase. Thanks to Elizabeth and Tom Milley for their support after that. I have now been able to pretty much maintain the e-mails and blog myself these days with some assistance here and there. Please take a look at the blog from time to time for poems, pictures, and of course the e-mails
I am sending out the e-mails in groups of 4 so that hopefully they do not getted block as spam mail. I haven't yet figured out how to blind copy in outlook. Hope you don't mind.
I would like to take this opportunity to update my address book. Please e-mail me your mailing address, e-mail, home number, cell phone number, and anything else you want to add.
My friend Anne Freeman anne.freeman3@verizon.net has offered to be my meal coordinator. If you are local and able to help out with this need please let Ann know. I am supposed to eat 6 small meals a day and am supposed to avoid soy and spicy foods. Should eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Am trying to eat meats that have not been fed hormones. Ann will provide further details.
I am also looking for people who can help out with rides and to come over to help with laundry, cleaning, and other things that need to be done around the house. I plan to put a list together of names that I can contact when the need arises.
I might also need someone to occasionally spend a day or night with me. Please let me know if this is an option for you.
I have no idea what to expect over the coming weeks, but God does.
Thanks for all your support and expressions of love.
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