Friday, July 28, 2006

Update and Ready for Third Chemo Treatment

Dear Friends,

Sorry for the delay in keeping you up to date by e-mail. Hope you have been reading the blog to get the updates and see pics.

1. Please especially pray for me tomorrow for my third chemo treatment which is at 10:30am tomorrow (Friday). I pray that it goes like last time which was no problems with my stomach and able to live a fairly normal life (this is a gift so far from God since a leave of absence from work would be no pay and no job security since I have not been there for at least a year so I would get no benefits-at least from an official Human Resources policy. I am thankful for a very supportive boss who is being flexible and my health which is allowign me to continue to work).

2. Pray my potassium levels are back down. It is really tough on this new diet and especially breakfast.

3. Am trying to eat organic and only natural meats (the hormones are conteractive to the chemo treatments)

4. I am thankful for a great appetite and in fact I gained two pounds (not what I need but for me in this situation a good thing that I am not loosing)

5. Started loosing my hair just before the second treatment. Went a week ago Tuesday to get fitted for the wig and took one home which was a blessing since I couldn't wait 7-10 days for a wig due to already having lost so much hair. I would say that the process of loosing the hair has been probably one of the hardest parts of my journey. It has been so far a two week process. I have about 1% still. I also have my eyebrows still. I am anxious to have my house and car thourougholy cleaned to get rid of all the loose hair. I will soon have a more complete update
and pics on the blog re this experience.

6. Please pray for me to be able to sleep better. I have no problem falling asleep but it is staying asleep. I wake up every couple of hours. I have meds now but I am too afraid to take them due to the side effects. Pray I do not need to take the meds.

7. Physically I am doing remarkably well and at work they say I look great and don't look like I am going through chemo. This is a praise. However, this is also deceptive. On the outside I look great and for the most part most of time feel quite well and forget I am on chemo. But I am and I do feel overwhelmed with juggling everything that needs to be done.

8. Many of you have been asking about my Dad. I got to talk to him a few days ago (he has been asking for me). It was just a minute but a blessing and his voice was very clear. He went into rehab last Friday and then ended up back in the hospital on Saturday due to needing more oxygen then they could give at the rehab. This was a blessing since the insurance started up again. He went back to the rehab a few days ago but eh nursing home part and in what is called "Comfort Care". HIs systems are shutting down. He is communicative, in good spirits,
at peace, and eating better then he every has in his life. He could have days, weeks, or God could even grant months (would be a miracle). We are talking about care for him if he gets to the point when the insurance stops (around 60 days). Please pray for my mom and she is exhausted and is also dealing with all the thoughts and emotions that come with knowing you will soon no longer have here on earth your spouse of close to 50 years. Our prayer is that my dad would not suffer (he is in no pain now) and would pass in his sleep.

Thanks again for all your support and prayers. God is carrying me through. There is no other explanation. May He get all the glory. Thanks too for all of you who have offered to provide meals. So far since I am on a special diet and am feeling well enough so far to be able to cook and am doing well. Will let you all know when and if that changes.



Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Photos from Chemo Session

Friday, July 14, 2006

Second Chemo Treatment

Dear Friends,

Well, the second round of chemo is behind me (was on Friday). I am so thankful that it went so much better this time. I really feel carried by prayer. I have felt great. My stomach and appetite have been wonderful this time as well as my energy level. Went for Hymalayian (Indian/Nepali) food on Thursday evening the night before my chemo and maybe the yogurt lassie also was another form of protection for my stomach in addition to the prayers.

I spent a pretty normal weekend. Haven't had a weekend like that for months. Felt and feel pretty much like myself (energy wise and health wise). Went to East Boston for some El Salvadorian specialty, cooked this weekend, spoke on the radio Saturday evening about my journey (unexpectedly and without preparation), Sunday went to church (people said I was looking great but I sure was loosing my hair) and a few other activities on Sunday including laying down for a bit (I haven't really been tired though so sleeping during the day as well as nights are not easy).

The first chemo treatment I didn't feel well starting the day of the treatment and for about a week. This time I was going to take more anti nausea drugs but didn't even need to do that other then the required ones (two at 8 am and two at 8 pm both on Saturday and Sunday). I am thankful for a colleague at the lab who has been giving me my shot (has to be soon after 24 hours after I finish the chemo). Thank you Lord for a great round of treatment. 2 already behind me. Many have been asking about the chemo treatment. I am at the clinic for 3-4 hours but the actual IV injection time is only about 2 hours. The time actually goes quite quickly.

My platelet counts are good and they are pleased with how my body is responding. Was encouraged yesterday to hear that I have two more treatments like the last two (July 28th and August 11th). After that there are four treatments (every Friday for one month) but these are easier treatments. Time is flying.

Please pray for me as my potassium levels are up and this is a concern. I have a great diet with lots of variety of foods and all cancer fighting foods but they are now all on the no no list. I am to stay away from bananas, broccoli, spinach, potatoes, sweet potatoes, papaya, beets, mango, prunes, milk, yogurt, etc. The low potassium foods if I eat more then 1/2 a cup they become high potassium foods. So it was a weekend of being creative and thinking hard as to what I could eat. Went grocery shopping yesterday at Whole Foods. No more meats and other products with hormones. Trying to be as organic as possible without increasing the food bill by a lot. Having to learn a new way of eating and shopping. Ate very healthy before, but now I will start even being more careful.

Thanks for all your support and prayers.


A weekend of Camping Out at Home

A blessed weekend. Boy did we camp out a few times (read about it further down). My home is a perfect retreat center and a place to relax, get away from the busyness and the noice and for me it doesn't mean going anywhere. Cecilia and her two children came to hang out for the weekend. It was real relaxing for me as well as for them. Cecilia commented that it was relaxing because there were no real visable clocks. Her husband was out of town and when she heard the need for me to have someone with me she called and said, "We are coming. " They live about 45 mintues from me.

I really relaxed and enjoyed the children (Cecilia too) very much. They gave me so much love, hugs, support, help, and attention. Cecilia feels it is a very good experience for the children to learned to help those who are sick. I was feeling pretty good and quite up to normal so I could enjoy baking cookies withe the kids, watching the World Cup games, watching the kids have fun in the backyard with the water ball sprinkler, enjoying my food, having company, playing hangman and connect four and other games. Taking some nice walks. Walking the dog. Went to church and then out to eat.

Saturday evening we were blessed with some visitors from Colombia. A dear family to me taht I stayed with for a bit in Colombia came over . I am thankfuol for the time they found to come and see me with their busy travel schedule. Rita is a cancer survivor and recently has been on this road but a much fore difficult one due to a different type of cancer. Went for a nice walk, enjoyed the homemade cookies, enjoyed their company, the children enjoyed walking the dog and building with the blocks. It was an enjoyable evening.

One of my special times with the children was when I read to them a bed time story about, "Can we hear God?". All weekend long the message we repeated and really spoke to my hear to was the story of Elijah (God was not in the fire, not in the earthquake, not in the wind, but in the gentle quiete wisper.) The children were able to grasp this concept and hold on to it and repeat it. This was blessing to me. I spent some quite moments with God on Tuesday night waiting for the gentle quiet whisper and God granted it and I gained better perspective after several days of feeling discouraged and having lost perspective. God has blessed me so much the gift of a positive attitude so a few days of feeling down here and there shouldn't be things I complain about. Instead I am leanrning to look up to God to regain perspective.

We did have some real camping adventures. The water was off for several hours on Saturday morning when we wanted to shower, do laundry, and run the dish washer. But finally it got up and running again. On Sunday at 6:00 am there was a big bang outside the house and the electricity went off for us and our next door neighbor. It was a miracle that it was restored by 9am. I was about ready to go to church as a wethead.

Thank you Lord for a blessed weekend and a weekend of normality and also a weekend of feeling more myself.

Locks of Love - Photos AFTER Haircut

Enjoy the new look because I am already starting to loose my hair.

Will get fitted for wig on Tuesday which will take 7-10 days to get. I have a back up plan while I wait. Hats!!

Locks of Love - The Process of Cutting My Hair

Monday, July 10, 2006

Locks of Love -Before and After Photos (Hair Cut)

On July 3rd I had my hair cut by a Brazilian friend of Rosana’s. We had to borrow a car and pick her up in Woburn which is north of Boston. We brought her to my house. She had cut hair for cancer patients in the past. I thank God for the surprise gift she gave of cutting my hair for free. We made it as fun an experience as possible. She really got into the picture taking which brought out my photo journaling mood. We cut at least 10 inches which was the required amount in order to send the hair for donation (Locks of Love) in order for children’s wigs to be made from my hair. I wanted to have my hair made into a wig for me but the price of $1,000 was a BIT out of my price range. I think God has much better use for those $1,000 and for my hair. I am sharing you the before and after shots and the process. My little special friend Matthias and his mom, Fausta, arrived just before the hair cut. Matthias is 8 and a cancer survivor. He knows what this is all about even though he was very young when he went through loosing his hair. He is always wanting to be there (even for Doctor’s appointments although we haven’t had him there) for me. He keeps telling his mom, “I need to be there. Ruth needs me there to support her.”

I am so touched by my many many little friends who are praying for me. I continue to pray for them as their parents wrestle with how to tell them what is going on with me and how much to tell them. One thing I know, is that all these little friends are praying for me and also helping me in many ways both with showering me with love and helping me in practical ways (watering plants, visiting me, giving me hugs, making me pictures, cleaning my apartment. Thank you Lord for my little friends who fill my life with such joy! Yes, God keeps saying another little one sending up prayers for Ruth.

Another Gift From God-Parking at Work

I went to work the other day to just stay for a few hours (I have been working remotely and have here and there been putting in 5-7 hour days several days a week). It is great to be able to drive again although I am not venturing out long distances or in much traffic because 1st gear is still a bit uncomfortable parallel parking. I told the valet parking attendant at our building that I would only be few hours and he told me I couldn’t park there because it is just for patients. I told him I had a medical condition and he said, “OK, but just for now and from now on you need to go to public parking.” When I went inside I talked with the security guard and finally shared with him more of my situation. He asked me if I was willing to pay. I said yes. Finally, he told me that he would give me a place in the back of building free of charge. It is not to be everyday or for whole days but for me to use for 3-5 hours and few times a week. I am so thankful because this makes going into work for short periods of time worth it and easier when I am feeling well but hot able to work full days. I am so thankful for God’s provision so I will not have to relay as much on rides from people. Thanks to those of you have been providing rides for me.

1st Chemo Session Photo

My Aunt Virginia and I at my first Chemo Session

Saturday, July 08, 2006

This balloon came floating in to me in the recovery room, was tied to my bed and has been with me the whole time in the hospital and now at home. It is still standing strong and straight after after more then a month. It is a special poem for me and even more now because I am experiencing what it means to have God carrying me through this storm in my life.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Ways You Can Help Ruth

Dear All,

Want to thank Sheri Michel for setting up the blog for me and for maintaining it through the first phase. Thanks to Elizabeth and Tom Milley for their support after that. I have now been able to pretty much maintain the e-mails and blog myself these days with some assistance here and there. Please take a look at the blog from time to time for poems, pictures, and of course the e-mails

I am sending out the e-mails in groups of 4 so that hopefully they do not getted block as spam mail. I haven't yet figured out how to blind copy in outlook. Hope you don't mind.

I would like to take this opportunity to update my address book. Please e-mail me your mailing address, e-mail, home number, cell phone number, and anything else you want to add.

My friend Anne Freeman has offered to be my meal coordinator. If you are local and able to help out with this need please let Ann know. I am supposed to eat 6 small meals a day and am supposed to avoid soy and spicy foods. Should eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Am trying to eat meats that have not been fed hormones. Ann will provide further details.

I am also looking for people who can help out with rides and to come over to help with laundry, cleaning, and other things that need to be done around the house. I plan to put a list together of names that I can contact when the need arises.

I might also need someone to occasionally spend a day or night with me. Please let me know if this is an option for you.

I have no idea what to expect over the coming weeks, but God does.

Thanks for all your support and expressions of love.


Results of First Chemo Treatment

Dear Friends,

Thanks for all your e-mails, cards, prayer, and support. God is truly good and taking care of my every need.

My chemo went pretty well. The actual process was only about two hours and went very quickly. There wasn't even time to really chat or do anything because it went so quickly and lots of interruptions for the next step of the process. I was in a private cubicle and everything is done through IV. I did pretty well until late afternoon when I developed a slight headache and my stomach didn't feel all that great (but not that bad). I also became agitated and my muscles could not relax. Took an adavan which is to ease mild nausea and anxiety. Called the hotline and they said to take fresh ginger in warm water, play soft music. My friend Rosana who was staying with me did all of this including massaging my head and neck and I fell asleep in the middle of the wonderful treatment and slept well.

Felt better in the morning and had more of an appetite. Juan Miquel, a clinical fellow from my lab, came by in the afternoon to give me my injection to boost my white blood cells. Enjoyed a nice meal downstairs in celebration of Jim's birthday and ate quite a bit, including ice-cream cake. Got pampered yesterday with a foot massage. No adavan last night but soft music and massage and I fell asleep fine.

I have been quite tired, but I did make to church in the morning. I think everyone is a bit sluggish today due to the weather being uncomfortable (hot and humid). Thankfully there is a breeze. Feeling tired, hot and bored (unusual for me. I like to be active and feeling I am accomplishing something).

Hard to know what to expect over the coming days and weeks and do not know what my needs will be. Living day by day.

Tomorrow I most likely will get my hair cut. A Brazilian friend of Rosanna's will come over to cut my hair at the house. I will donate my hair since it is so long to "Locks of Love". I have been putting off this event hoping that I would not loose my hair but I rather have the chance to donate my hair and my oncologist firmly said, "You WILL lose your hair".

I talked to my brother in law today and was surprised when he told me my dad was talking and only has the oxygen mask on. The last couple of days were wrestling with the tough questions of feeding tube and tracheo and saying that he would not be able to go off the respirator, or swallow or talk again. My God is a God of miracles. Don't know why He has chosen to shower me me so many miracles in one year but I am thankful.

Will keep you posted.

